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Implementation in daily clinical practice

After positive results from both the QLIC-ON and KLIK study, the implementation of KLIK in daily clinical practice began in 2011. The implementation process started in the Emma Children’s Hospital AMC (Amsterdam UMC) and has (since 2013) spread to other hospitals. Currently KLIK is standard part of care on many departments of the Emma Children’s Hospital and in over more than 20 hospitals in the Netherlands. KLIK has developed into one of the largest PROM portals in the Netherlands. The national implementation of KLIK is being coordinated by the KLIK team in the Emma Children’s Hospital.

The Princess Máxima Center for pediatric oncology in Utrecht uses KLIK as standard part of care for all patients. Next to the PROMOTE study, KLIK has been implemented at the Great Ormond Street Hospital in London within pediatric psychiatry. In addition, several countries are interested in implementing KLIK in their healthcare system. Not only children, but also parents complete questionnaires to measure and discuss their psychosocial functioning with the healthcare provider. Currently, researcher and KLIK coordinator Hedy van Oers is finishing her PhD project on the use of Parent Reported Outcomes via the KLIK portal.

In 2017, a new project was funded by the Zorg Instituut Nederland, led by dr. Lotte Haverman. Within this project, the KLIK portal will be further optimized. One part of this study is integrating the Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) item banks and computerized adaptive testing (CAT) into the KLIK portal. This is a collaborative effort with dr. Caroline Terwee (VUmc) and prof. dr. Martha Grootenhuis (Princess Máxima Center).